Rain Protection
Custom solutions at its best! Every situation where a rain protection or special product is requested is different.
Certainly we at Pro Textile Solutions support you with know-how, expertise & precision!
High Quality Products
Also here Pro Textile Solutions combines best outdoor textiles with other high quality materials. However it does not mater if its rain protection or a special request!
For the result of a perfect end product! To make it short. Comfort, function & lifetime made by Pro Textile Solutions!
Any application with the purpose of outdoor use needs UV-resistant materials. For instance our hammocks are made to last many seasons. Especially in highly frequented areas of our hotel clients.
At Pro Textile Solutions we select all materials with best durability for any outdoor use. Consequently we supply best qualities for different kind of textiles.
PU, PVC & artificial leather
For example PU Polyurethane, clear PVC or artificial leather are very sensitive products. For instance when placed in the sun the aging process is inevitable. Therefore a common quality will turn old very fast & start cracking on the surface.
And after a few months outdoors the usability has ended & the materials need replacement. Not with PU or PVC materials offered by Pro Textile Solutions!
Manufacturer Warranties
All our materials come with manufacturer warranties. Starting with 2 & 3 years warranty for clear PVC. And 5 years warranty for PU-materials (artificial leather).
In reality that means our customers will use High End Textile Local and Pro Textile Solutions products for are long lifetime. Why is that so?
Firstly clear PVC materials will stay clear with a good look through visibility for many years. Secondly our PVC or PU Polyurethane products will stay soft also when placed permanently in the sun.
Thirdly even if used in a rough way, you can expect longest lifetime of all our materials & products.
Return on Invest with best quality
The effect of best materials selected by Pro Textile Solutions is that our product solutions save costs on a mid to long term.
To clarify the ROI Return on Invest will be reached within 2 – 3 years. However with the product lifetime of our products you keep on saving for the whole product life.

Contact us now for your special request!